How to easily inspect styled-components using dev tools?

That's exactly why we created our Babel plugin, when using it you'll get class names that include the name you gave your component:

<div class="Sidebar__Button-KSdffgy oPwefl">

On top of that we set the displayName of the generated component too, which means in your React DevTools you'll see the actual component name rather than just <div> or <Styled(Component)>.

To use the Babel plugin install it with npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-styled-components and then add it to your Babel configuration: (e.g. in your .babelrc)

plugins: ["styled-components"]

That's it! Happy debugging 😊

Note that if you're using create-react-app you cannot change the Babel configuration. I use and would recommend react-app-rewired to be able to change configurations without having to eject. We've also built react-app-rewire-styled-components which automatically integrates the styled-components Babel plugin for you!

For anyone using create-react-app, just substitute

import styled from "styled-components";


import styled from "styled-components/macro";

this will make your styled-component classes have the name of their component in them. And you'll be able to know which classes refer to which components just by looking at their class name ;)

For anyone using create-react-app, another option is to use the styled components babel macro

  1. npm install --save babel-plugin-macros
  2. Inside your component use import styled from 'styled-components/macro'; instead of import styled from 'styled-components';

You should now see the component name in your dev tools:

enter image description here