Change detection not registering data changes

If you use a spread operator instead of push it should work. = [, newItem];

The reason for this is that angular detects a change when the whole object changes, or the reference changes, so a mutation isn't going to trigger it. So rather than mutating the array, you need to make it a new array.

Since you are adding or deleting element in existing array angular is not able to pick the changes.

For this to work you can do like

  • assign array reference with new object of same elements of array as items= items.slice();
  • Or you can use Object.assign method as items= Object.assign([],items);
  • Both the things should be done after making changes to the array.

To manually fire change detection you can follow answer on this link

Inject ChangeDetectorRef in your component and then use detectChanges() method of that object to fire change detection manually.

constructure(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

someMethod() {;