How to draw such arrows in the table?

Next time, please provide a small example document people can use as the basis for an answer. In this case, for example, since your question is about the arrows, you should provide the code for the table so that people can concentrate on answering the question rather than having to construct a suitable table first.

One way is to use tikzmark to mark coordinates within the table which you can then use to overlay a tikzpicture containing the arrows.

For example, the following code illustrates the two kinds of arrows you need: curved arrows from one row to another within a column and straight arrows between cells in consecutive columns:


    14\tikzmark{a}  &   78  \\
    71\tikzmark{b}  &   \tikzmark{c}93  \\
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture, shorten >=.5pt, shorten <=.5pt, transform canvas={yshift=.25\baselineskip}]
    \draw [->] ({pic cs:a}) [bend left] to ({pic cs:b});
    \draw [->] ([yshift=.75pt]{pic cs:a}) -- ({pic cs:c});

arrows overlaid on table

