How to create checkbox todo list?

Here is a variant of Werner's answer with checkmarks for recording progress.


My ToDo list

  \item Immediate plan of action.
  \item[\done] Frame the problem
  \item Write solution
  \item[\wontfix] profit

enter image description here

I would use enumitem (and not intermix it with using the enumerate package):

enter image description here

My ToDo list

  \item Immediate plan of action.

    \item List item 1 goes here.
    \item List item 2 goes here.
      \item Sublist item 1 goes here.
      \item Sublist item 2 goes here.
    \item List item 3 goes here
    \item List item 4 goes here.


We create a new type of list called todolist, which has two levels of nesting and is based on itemize. Each label within a todolist is set as $\square$, at both levels.

I adjust the font size of the icon from packages pifont and amssymb, use \raisebox and \hspace to fit the icon position, finally, it looks good, here is a full example:




no checked
\item[\rlap{\raisebox{0.3ex}{\hspace{0.4ex}\tiny \ding{52}}}$\square$]
\item[\rlap{\raisebox{0.3ex}{\hspace{0.4ex}\scriptsize \ding{56}}}$\square$]

enter image description here