How to disable user interaction on MKMapView?

The key is to disable zooms and scrolls.

In Objective-C:

self.mapView.zoomEnabled = false;
self.mapView.scrollEnabled = false;
self.mapView.userInteractionEnabled = false;

Or Swift:

mapView.isZoomEnabled = false
mapView.isScrollEnabled = false
mapView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

By the way, if you want a static map, you might consider using MKMapSnapshotter instead. This creates an image representation of a map. If you have annotations or overlays, you have to render them manually, but, depending upon your use-case, map snapshots might do the job.

You can do this in Interface Builder like this:

Like this

How about this little hack! just place UIView on top of the MKMapView having all the same frame details. Also note that the backgroundColor of this view should be clearColor