How to detect programmatically if "Android App" is running in chrome book or in Android phone

Finally I figure out a way to know if app in running in ARC:


Another method Google uses in their own code (updated link) is to check if Build.DEVICE ends with "_cheets". I don't know if ending device names like this is some kind of long-term strategy or a fast workaround, but it's also worth a look in addition to dex's proposed solution.

FWIW, since ARCWelder's method is deprecated and there's no official documentation on this (yet), I've also started a discussion in the XDA forums here for people to discuss what works/doesn't work on various devices.

Update 5/18: Looks like the code above was moved and updated, so Google's new ARC check as of May 2018 is here, particularly in this bit:

... } else if (Build.DEVICE != null && Build.DEVICE.matches(ARC_DEVICE_PATTERN)) {
  mFormFactor = FORM_FACTOR_ARC;
} else { ...

where ARC_DEVICE_PATTERN is defined as

private static final String ARC_DEVICE_PATTERN = ".+_cheets|cheets_.+";

So it's not just a device ending with _cheets. It can start with cheets_ as well.

Update 8/26/20 -- As of 7 months ago, the source has been moved around from to If you were looking for where it went- here it the code as of today.

  public static boolean isArc() {
    return (Build.DEVICE != null && Build.DEVICE.matches(".+_cheets|cheets_.+"));

The test remains the same.