How to add vertical space after \hline without breaking vertical lines in a table

I suggest you drop the vertical line completely. How about something like this?


  \caption{Table of info.}
      Parameter & C/S Analyser & O/N/H Analyser \\
                & EMIA 320 V2 & EMGA 830 \\%
      Sensitivity (ppm) & 0.1 & 0.001 \\
      Furnace type & Induction & Impulse \\
      Carrier gas & Pure O2 & Pure He \\[0.1cm]

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You can do that with the cellspace package: define a minimal vertical padding of rows, and prefix the relevant column specifier with the letter S (or C if you use siunitx):


  \caption{Table of info.}
  \begin{tabular}{c | Sc c}
                      & C/S Analyser & O/N/H Analyser \\
                      & EMIA 320 V2 & EMGA 830 \\
    Sensitivity (ppm) & 0.1 & 0.001 \\
    Furnace type & Induction & Impulse \\
    Carrier gas & Pure O2 & Pure He \\


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Add \\\\[-1.5\medskipamount] after \hline This will make one more row with small height.

The value before medskipamout should be chosen appropriately.


