How to create arrays from array

You could take a dynamic approach and get all items of the array after the key value for each new array.

var data = [[2011, 127072.7, 51584], [2012, 125920.3, 59974], [2013, 129305.4, 15468], [2014, 135364, 84554], [2015, 136757, 98754], [2016, 155653.5, 155548], [2017, 164130.5, 284848]],
    [first, second] = data.reduce(
        (r, [k, ...a]) => {
            a.forEach((v, i) => r[i].push([k, v]));
            return r;
        Array.from({ length: Array.isArray(data[0]) ? data[0].length - 1 : 0 }, () => [])

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

You can use .map() to iterate over your data and use some Array Destructuring to get the desired output:

const data = [
  [ 2011, 127072.7, 51584 ],
  [ 2012, 125920.3, 59974 ],
  [ 2013, 129305.4, 15468 ],
  [ 2014, 135364, 84554 ],
  [ 2015, 136757, 98754 ],
  [ 2016, 155653.5, 155548 ],
  [ 2017, 164130.5, 284848 ]

const arr1 =[year, val]) => ([year, val]));
const arr2 =[year, _, val]) => ([year, val]));

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }