How to get authenticated identity response from AWS Cognito using boto3

To pass the Cognito User Pool JWT Token, you would need to use the Logins Map in the GetId API call. You could try the following Python code out on your end, after replacing the necessary placeholders.

response = client.get_id(
        'cognito-idp.<region><YOUR_USER_POOL_ID>': '<JWT ID Token>'

If you do not provide a Logins Map, Amazon Cognito treats the authentication event as Unauthenticated, and hence, you are facing this error.

Just to add to the answer from Arka Mukherjee above, to get the token I do this:

auth_data = { 'USERNAME':username , 'PASSWORD':password }
provider_client=boto3.client('cognito-idp', region_name=region)
resp = provider_client.admin_initiate_auth(UserPoolId=user_pool_id, AuthFlow='ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', AuthParameters=auth_data, ClientId=client_id)
token = resp['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken']

Here I have to use the username and password of the Cognito user, client_id is the app client id for the app client that I set up thru Cognito, and user_pool_id is the user pool id.

Note that my app client has this option checked/selected: Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication (ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH) and I created that app client with no secret key (apparently that is important for web clients especially).