How to connect via WebSocket on Android using Scarlet?

First of all, you should declare a WebSocket client using an interface. Use Scarlet annotations such as @Receive and @Send to define how you are going to handle the WebSocket communication, as the following example:

interface NewsService {
    fun observeWebSocketEvent(): Flowable<WebSocket.Event>
    fun sendSubscribe(subscribe: Subscribe)
    fun observeNews(): Flowable<MyNews>

Next step is create an implementation of your Scarlet Interface and subscribe the data stream emitted during the WebSocket connection. In the following example , Moshi and RxJava are being used however Scarlet provide other ways to handle and manipulate the data.

val scarletInstance = Scarlet.Builder()

//service created
val newsService = scarletInstance.create<NewsService>()

//define websocket event observer
    .filter { it is WebSocket.Event.OnConnectionOpened<*> }

// news data result
    .subscribe({ news ->
        Log.d(TAG, news.toString())

Your code is FAILING due to class duplication. It occurs because of different lib versions. The correct implementation is:

//web sockets
implementation 'com.tinder.scarlet:scarlet:0.1.10'
implementation "com.tinder.scarlet:websocket-okhttp:0.1.10"
implementation "com.tinder.scarlet:stream-adapter-rxjava2:0.1.10"
implementation "com.tinder.scarlet:message-adapter-moshi:0.1.10"
implementation "com.tinder.scarlet:lifecycle-android:0.1.10"