How to configure TeXnicCenter 2.0 with Sumatra (2013--2016 version)

Follow all the steps mentioned in the TeXnicCenter + Sumatra Tutorial, but keep in mind these few things:

  1. In the (La)TeX tab / (La)TeX compiler section / Command line arguments to pass to the compiler bar, you should write: -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%Wm"

  2. In the Viewer tab / Executable path section, what should be written is: "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f','%l')]\"". Please note:

    1.1 What should be written is a complete line, with spaces between line breakings (it just doesn't fit entirely here to show).

    1.1.1 The path could be different in your computer (e.g., your path for the executable file could be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe") or depending on your system's language could be something like C:\Programme\...

    1.2 If you copy + paste from Adobe Reader from the tutorial, it is not going to work, as it seems to copy the ' as ` instead.

    1.3 The new executable file for TeXnicCenter 2.0 is actually named TeXnicCenter.exe, not TEXCNTR.EXE, as it appears in the tutorial.

  3. In the Viewer tab / View project's output section, you should select DDE command and the command should be "%bm.pdf" (as described in the tutorial) and the server should be SUMATRA. The topic should be control

  4. In the Viewer tab / Forward search section, you should select DDE command and the command should be [ForwardSearch("%bm.pdf","%Wc",%l,0,0,1)] (as described in the tutorial) and the server should be SUMATRA. The topic should be control

  5. In the Viewer tab / Close document before running (La)TeX section you should select Do not close.

Graphical Description:

enter image description here

One further point to consider is the the language of the OS you're using. As I had to learn two different names in links (C:\Programme\... vs C:\Program Files\... which point to the same directory for a German Win 7 OS and are mapped by the OS automatically) are two different directories for the DDE. While the forward search was working as intended, the inverse search always fired up a new instance which lead to a project already in use clash.

After fixing this issue, everything works fine :)