Elsarticle frontmatter corresponding author

It is a bug in the 2009 version, which is the one in the 2012 TeXlive. When no address label is specified the correspondng \@author command forgets to reset the \@corref variable. You can fix this by adding in such a reset as follows:

Sample output


    \global\let\@corref\@empty  %% Added




\author{Author One\corref{cor1}\fnref{fn1}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}

\author{Author Two\fnref{fn2}}
\ead{[email protected]}

\address{Address Here}

Abstract abstract abstract


Start typing...


Just add a \corrref to every author (with different labels) and just call the author you need.

    \ead{[email protected]}
    \cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}

Or more simply just download the newest elsarticle.cls from Elsevier (here) and explicitly reference it at the beginning of the doc, ala


Worked perfectly for me.