How to check the schema of DataFrame?

If I understand your requirement correctly, the following example illustrates how to revert a DataFrame with changed column types to its original version:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

val df1 = Seq(
  (1, "a", 100L, 10.0), (2, "b", 200L, 20.0)
).toDF("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4")

val df2 = Seq(
  (1, "a", 100, 10.0f), (2, "b", 200, 20.0f)
).toDF("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4")

// root
//  |-- c1: integer (nullable = false)
//  |-- c2: string (nullable = true)
//  |-- c3: integer (nullable = false)
//  |-- c4: float (nullable = false)

val fieldsDiffType = (df1.schema.fields zip df2.schema.fields).collect{
  case (a: StructField, b: StructField) if a.dataType != b.dataType =>
    (, a.dataType)
// fieldsDiffType: Array[(String, org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType)] =
//   Array((c3,LongType), (c4,DoubleType))

val df2To1 = fieldsDiffType.foldLeft(df2)( (accDF, field) =>
  accDF.withColumn(field._1, col(field._1).cast(field._2))

// root
//  |-- c1: integer (nullable = false)
//  |-- c2: string (nullable = true)
//  |-- c3: long (nullable = false)
//  |-- c4: double (nullable = false)

Note that this solution works only if the DataFrame columns remain the same in size and order, and does not cover types such as Array or Struct.


If there is concern that column order might be changed, you can first order df1.schema.fields and df2.schema.fields before performing zip:

df1.schema.fields.sortBy( zip df2.schema.fields.sortBy(

You can try

> df.printSchema
 |-- id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- val1: double (nullable = true)
 |-- val2: double (nullable = true)

This prints the schema in a tree format.Hope this helps.

You can get the schema of a dataframe with the schema method

df.schema // Or `df.printSchema` if you want to print it nicely on the standard output

Define a castColumn method

def castColumn(df: DataFrame, colName: String, randomDataType: DataType): DataFrame =
    df.withColumn(colName, df.col(colName).cast(randomDataType))

Then apply this method to all the columns you need to cast.

First, get an Array of tuples with the colName and the targeted dataType

//Assume your dataframes have the same column names, you need to sortBy in case the it is not in the same order

// You can also iterate through dfOrigin.schema only and compare their dataTypes with target dataTypes instead of zipping

val differences = (dfOrigin.schema.fields.sortBy{case (x: StructField) =>} zip dfTarget.schema.fields.sortBy{case (x: StructField) =>}).collect {
                   case (origin: StructField, target: StructField) if origin.dataType != target.dataType => 
                        (, target.dataType)


 differences.foldLeft(df) {
      case (acc, value) => castColumn(acc, value._1, value._2)

Based on Untyped Dataset Operations from, it should be:
