How to check if []byte is all zeros in go

Comparing it with another slice containing only zeros, that requires reading (and comparing) 2 slices.

Using a single for loop will be more efficient here:

for _, v := range theByteVar {
    if v != 0 {

If you do need to use it in multiple places, wrap it in a utility function:

func allZero(s []byte) bool {
    for _, v := range s {
        if v != 0 {
            return false
    return true

And then using it:

if !allZero(theByteVar) {

You can possibly use bytes.Equal or bytes.Contains to compare with a zero initialized byte slice, see, I haven't checked for performance, but hopefully it's been optimized. You might want to try out other solutions and compare the performance numbers, if needed.

Another solution borrows an idea from C. It could be achieved by using the unsafe package in Go.

The idea is simple, instead of checking each byte from []byte, we can check the value of byte[i:i+8], which is a uint64 value, in each steps. By doing this we can check 8 bytes instead of checking only one byte in each iteration.

Below codes are not best practice but only show the idea.

const (
    len8 int = 0xFFFFFFF8

func IsAllBytesZero(data []byte) bool {
    n := len(data)

    // Magic to get largest length which could be divided by 8. 
    nlen8 := n & len8
    i := 0

    for ; i < nlen8; i += 8 {
        b := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])) + 8*uintptr(i)))
        if b != 0 {
            return false

    for ; i < n; i++ {
        if data[i] != 0 {
            return false

    return true



Only test for worst cases (all elements are zero)


  • IsAllBytesZero: unsafe package solution
  • NaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero: a loop to iterate the whole byte array and check it.
  • CompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray: using bytes.Compare solution with pre-allocated fixed size empty byte array.
  • CompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray: using bytes.Compare solution without pre-allocated fixed size empty byte array.


BenchmarkIsAllBytesZero10-8                                 254072224            4.68 ns/op
BenchmarkIsAllBytesZero100-8                                132266841            9.09 ns/op
BenchmarkIsAllBytesZero1000-8                               19989015            55.6 ns/op
BenchmarkIsAllBytesZero10000-8                               2344436           507 ns/op
BenchmarkIsAllBytesZero100000-8                              1727826           679 ns/op
BenchmarkNaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero10-8                      234153582            5.15 ns/op
BenchmarkNaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero100-8                     30038720            38.2 ns/op
BenchmarkNaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero1000-8                     4300405           291 ns/op
BenchmarkNaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero10000-8                     407547          2666 ns/op
BenchmarkNaiveCheckAllBytesAreZero100000-8                     43382         27265 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray10-8             415171356            2.71 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray100-8            218871330            5.51 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray1000-8           56569351            21.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray10000-8           6592575           177 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithFixedEmptyArray100000-8           567784          2104 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray10-8           64215448            19.8 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray100-8          32875428            35.4 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray1000-8          8580890           140 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray10000-8         1277070           938 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareAllBytesWithDynamicEmptyArray100000-8         121256         10355 ns/op


Assumed that we're talking about the condition in sparse zero byte array. According to the benchmark, if performance is an issue, the naive check solution would be a bad idea. And, if you don't want to use unsafe package in your project, then consider using bytes.Compare solution with pre-allocated empty array as an alternative.

An interesting point could be pointed out is that the performance comes from unsafe package varies a lot, but it basically outperform all other solution mentioned above. I think it was relevant to the CPU cache mechanism.


