How to change title of Git terminal in Windows?

You were on the right track with this link

If you modify the script a bit (for me, this is located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile.d\, you can make the title anything you want.

Note: You will need to run VS Code, Notepad++ or similar as administrator to write back to this directory.

First, save a backup of (like, then modify the start of as follows:

if test -z "$GITTITLEPREFIX" # if not empty
    GITTITLEPREFIX="Git-Bash => " # prefix that will have current pwd appended after it

if test -f ~/.config/git/
    . ~/.config/git/
    if test -n "$GITTITLE"
    then   ##### Set window title directly to GITTITLE if not empty
    else   ##### Set window title to GITTITLE PREFIX plus the PWD
###### Leave the rest of the file the same
###### Etc.

This will first check if GITTITLEPREFIX is empty, and if not, it will set it to "Git-Bash => " similar to in the linked article. This will have the current path appended after it, so if you want "1 : $PWD", then set GITTITLEPREFIX to "1 : " like this:


Otherwise, you can set GITTITLE to any non-empty value, and then the entire title will be set exactly to the contents of GITTITLE (no PWD appended), so if you just want "1", use this:


Then run the script. With my path, I did it like this:

. "/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/etc/profile.d/"

and the title should change. Of course, you can alias this or make a separate script from it in a location that is in the path so running it is much simpler, and the title could just be an argument. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader...

A simple option is echo -ne "\e]0;YOUR TITLE HERE\a".

This thread is a few months old. But I think an alternative will be helpful

You can add following line to .bashrc file in your user profile folder

export TITLEPREFIX="Git Bash"

where you want Git bash to be your title prefix. This is user specific change. So if a machine is used by multiple users with their own logins, everyone can customize their own title.