Azure CLI how to check if a resource exists

This should work in bash script:

if [ $(az group exists --name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME) = false ]; then
    az group create --name $RESOURCEGROUPNAME --location $LOCATION

In a bash script how can I check that a resource already exists so I don't try to create it again?

We can use CLI 2.0 command az group exists to test the resource group exist or not, like this:

C:\Users\user>az group exists -n jasontest

In this way, before we create it, we can test the name available or not. In new resource group, we can create new Vnet and other resources.

For now, there is no CLI 2.0 command to test other resource exist or not. If you want to create resource in an existing resource group, maybe we should use CLI 2.0 command to list the resources, and use bash to make sure the resource exist or not.