How to change a reference column to be polymorphic?

Update for Rails >= 4.2

Current Rails generates references with index and foreign_key, which is a good thing.
This means that the answer of @Christian Rolle is no longer valid as after renaming foo_id it leaves a foreign_key on bars.fooable_id referencing which is invalid for other fooables.

Luckily, also the migrations evolve, so undoable migrations for references do exist.

Instead of renaming the reference id, you need to create a new reference and remove the old one.
What's new is the need to migrate the ids from the old reference to the new one.
This could be done by a

Bar.find_each { |bar| bar.update fooable_id: bar.foo_id }

but this can be very slow when there are already many relations. Bar.update_all does it on database level, which is much faster.

Of course, you should be able to roll back the migration, so when using foreign_keys the complete migration is:

def change
  add_reference :bars, :fooable, polymorphic: true
  reversible do |dir|
    dir.up { Bar.update_all("fooable_id = foo_id, fooable_type='Foo'") }
    dir.down { Bar.update_all('foo_id = fooable_id') }
  remove_reference :bars, :foo, index: true, foreign_key: true

Remember that during rollback, change is processed from bottom to top, so foo_id is created before the update_all and everything is fine.

1. Change the name of foo_id to fooable_id by renaming it in a migration like:

rename_column :bars, :foo_id, :fooable_id

2. and add polymorphism to it by adding the required foo_type column in a migration:

add_column :bars, :fooable_type, :string

3. and in your model:

class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :fooable, 
    polymorphic: true

4. Finally seed the type of you already associated type like:

Bar.update_all(fooable_type: 'Foo')

Read Define polymorphic ActiveRecord model association!