Flyway: non-empty schema without metadata table

The title is somewhat contradictory, as the database is indeed not virgin as you installed, through the PostGIS extension, a number of objects in the public schema.

You can either

  • set flyway.schemas to a new schema, say my_app, which will then be created automatically by Flyway. Your application should then use this one instead of public (recommended)
  • set flyway.baselineOnMigrate to true or invoke flyway.baseline() against the public schema. This will work, but public will then contain a mix of both your application objects and the PostGIS objects

If you are using Gradle you can run

./gradlew -Dflyway.schemas=public flywayClean flywayMigrate

Where public is the name of the database containing the schema_versions table. That should delete the table and metadata as well as running the migrations to get it back up to date.


This will delete all data in public schema

I think this error comes only with latest version of Flyway i.e. above 4.03. I didn't received in the earlier project but got it when I am using Flyway version 5.07 in my latest project. Putting the code here that resolve my issues

public class FlywayConfig {

    DataSource dataSource;
    Config config;

    public Flyway flyway(){
        Flyway flyway = new Flyway();
            flyway.setLocations(new String[] { config.getSqlLocation() });
            // *******************flyway.clean(); ********************// this will wipe out the DB, be careful
        return  flyway;



