How to autofocus next TextInput on react-native

There is a defaultProp for TextInput where one can focus after component mounted.


If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount, the default value is false. for more information please read the related Docs.


After componentDidUpdate it won't work properly. In that case, one can use ref to focus programmatically.

You cannot forward the ref to <TextInput> using that way because ref is one of the special props. Thus, calling this.refs.passcode2 will return you <PasscodeTextInput> instead.

Try change to the following to get the ref from <TextInput>.


const PasscodeTextInput = ({ inputRef, ... }) => {


  return (
        ref={(r) => { inputRef && inputRef(r) }}

Then, assign the inputRef from <PasscodeTextInput> to a variable and use focus() to switch focus (it is not deprecated as of RN 0.41.2).


return (
    onChangeText={(event) => { event && this.passcode2.focus() }} />

    inputRef={(r) => { this.passcode2 = r }}
    onChangeText={(event) => { event && this.passcode3.focus() }} />

    inputRef={(r) => { this.passcode3 = r }}
    onChangeText={(event) => { event && this.passcode4.focus() }} />

    inputRef={(r) => { this.passcode4 = r }} />

P.S: event && this.passcode2.focus() prevents focus is switched when trying to clear the old passcode and enter a new one.

we handled this style of screen with a different approach.

Rather than manage 4 individual TextInputs and handle the navigation of focus across each one (and then back again when the user deletes a character), we have a single TextInput on screen but is invisible (ie. 0px x 0px) wide which has the focus, maxLength and keyboard configuration, etc.

This TextInput takes input from the user but can't actually been seen, as each character is typed in we render the entered text as a series simple View/Text elements, styled much similar to your screen above.

This approach worked well for us with no need to manage what the 'next' or 'previous' TextInput to focus next to.