Angular2 email validation

Try Something like that

<div class="alert-email">

        <div class="md-errors-spacer" [hidden]="contactemail.valid || contactemail.untouched">
            <div  *ngIf="contactemail.errors && contactemail.errors.required">
                Email is required
            <div  *ngIf="contactemail.errors && contactemail.errors.pattern">
                Email is invalid

Angular 4 has a built-in "email" validation tag that can be added within the input. E.g.:

<input type="email" id="contactemail" email>

This will be valid for a series of numbers and letters then an @ then another series of letters. It will not account for the dot after the @ -- for that you can use the "pattern" tag within the input and your standard regex.