How many maximum number of Desktops can be created in Windows 10

After asking question, I thought to try it by my self. I started creating as many desktops as possible and here's what happened:

My laptop allowed me to create 716 desktop effortlessly, and when I tried creating the 717th desktop, I couldn't. My Laptop allowed me to create 716 desktops and then stopped responding.

After creating that many desktops, in my Windows 10 OS the Task View was hanged. Now I'm unable to open Task View. Now, when I press Task View button in the Taskbar, it gives me Black screen and I can not see the desktops anyway.


Windows 10 allows you to create as many desktops as possible for your system's configuration. There is no specific limit for Desktops creation.

My Laptop config:

4GB RAM - intel i5 processor (4200M variant) - 250 GB Samsung Evo SSD

With this config I was able to create 716 Desktops and then the Task View hanged.

The Problem:

As I said, now my Task View hanged and I can not open other desktops or unable to close it. I've tried Restarting my PC but that did not close all additional desktops.

I've even tried ending the the processes of dwm.exe (DesktopWindowManager.exe) and explorer.exe from task manager but even that did not solve the problem.

Now I'm stuck by unable to open the Task View and can't close or switch the desktop.

So sad...! :'(