Chemistry - How does sulfuric acid react to heating?

Solution 1:

Sulfuric acid, $\ce{H2SO4}$, having an enthalpy of formation of $-814\ \mathrm{kJ/mol}$, is quite stable and won't decompose easily.

According to A Kinetic Study of the Decomposition of Spent Sulfuric Acids at High Temperature, Dominique Schwartz, Roger Gadiou, Jean-François Brilhac, Gilles Prado, and Ginès Martinez:

The decomposition of $\ce{H2SO4}$ to $\ce{H2O}$ and $\ce{SO3}$ is predominant between $400$ and $700\ \mathrm K$. The formation of a small amount of gaseous sulfuric acid can be observed. Above $673\ \mathrm K$, the equilibrium constant of the reaction R1 becomes higher than 1 and increases rapidly.

$$\ce{H2SO4 <=> H2O + SO3}\tag{R1}$$

The second process is the reduction of sulfur trioxide to $\ce{SO2}$. This endothermic reaction needs a high temperature to take place, the equilibrium constant of the reaction R2 being higher than 1 above $1050\ \mathrm K$.

$$\ce{SO3 <=> SO2 + \dfrac12O2}\tag{R2}$$

So, you only have to worry when the temperature reaches $400\ \mathrm K$, or $127\ \mathrm{^\circ C}$ (false precision).

Solution 2:

First, you don't need to worry about fire: sulphuric acid is non-flammable.

Around $1000$ kelvin, this reaction would occur:

$$\ce{2H2SO4 <=> 2SO2 + 2H2O + O2}$$

This is industrially used for the production of hydrogen gas, and the total reaction cycle is called the sulphur-iodine cycle.


