How do sequelize getter and setters work?

pseudo properties

Would be properties that, from the perspective of the user seems like regular properties of the object, but do not exist in the database. Take for example a user object that has first names and last name fields. You could then create a fullname setter:

var foo = sequelize.define('foo', {
}, {
    getterMethods: {
        fullName: function () {
            return this.getDataValue('firstName') + ' ' + this.getDataValue('lastName')
    setterMethods: {
        fullName: function (value) {
            var parts = value.split(' ')

            this.setDataValue('lastName', parts[parts.length-1])
            this.setDataValue('firstName', parts[0]) // this of course does not work if the user has several first names

When you have a user object you can simply do


To see the user's full name. The getter is then being invoked behind the scenes.

Similarily, if you define a setter method for full name you could do

user.fullName = 'John Doe'

Which would then split the passed string into two parts and save them in first and last name. (see the simplified example above)

Protect properties

@ahiipsa already provided a good example of this. Getters are called when you do user.toJSON(), so you can use getters to easily remove sensitive data before sending it to the user.