Display web sites and web apps with Chromecast

One could imagine writing a Custom Receiver that has an iframe that wraps any website. Your sender would could then send webpages to your receiver, and the onLoad would set the the URL of the iframe. Don't have any code, but it's fairly simple to write.

I was able to modify the Github sample Project > googlecast/CastHelloText-chrome to show a web page.

  • In the receiver.html file, I replaced the DIV with an IFRAME and styled it for 100% width and height.
  • Then in the displayText() function I changed innerHTML to src.
  • The only modification made to the sender chromehellotext.html was to replace YOUR_APPLICATION_ID with the app id created by registering the receiver.

Note that some sites like Google and Yahoo will not display inside an iframe. If you really needed to do that you could skip the iframe and just set window.location.href to the URL. That, of course, will overwrite your receiver code so the only way to change URLs would be to manually disconnect first and reload. I tried using window.open instead but that did not work.

There is a simple way to do that with the hellotext sample. You can send the html by typing that into the text field.

<iframe src="http://mywebpage.com" style="width:1280px;height:720px"></iframe>