How do I typeset multiple additions nicely?

Here's a simple syntax:



  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_bert_addition_seq { + } { #2 }
  \seq_use:Nn \l_bert_addition_seq { \\ } \\[-.5ex]
  \additionrule \\[-.5ex]
  \int_eval:n { #2 }
\seq_new:N \l_bert_addition_seq

  \leaders\hrule height \dimexpr \fontdimen22\textfont2+0.2pt\relax
                 depth \dimexpr -\fontdimen22\textfont2+0.2pt\relax
  \hfill\hspace*{0pt} & +




The optional argument to \addition can be t, b or c and is passed to array.

enter image description here

This answer does not provide additional spacing between digits, as is done with xlop, but otherwise provides multi-addend addition.

%%% \showsum based on
%%%            writing-manual-summation-of-two-numbers/219113#219113
  \convertchar[q]{#1}{ }{+}%
  {\stackunder{\underline{\ \Longstack{#1}}}{%

\showsum{1 2 3 4}  $\qquad$
\showsum{23 567 34 32}  $\qquad$
\showsum{1 3567 2334 3352 567}

enter image description here

Since I can't comment on this (not enough reputation) I'll post this as an answer. Do you have to do it inside a math-environment? You could accomplish that in a tabular-environment easily I think.

EDIT: Because it was requested:



Please note that this doesn't calculate the results. Also please note that this puts a '+' in front of every row and not next to the \hline. For that use:



         1234 & \\
          321 & \\
        12345 & \\
            6 & \multirow{2}{*}{+}\\
        13906 & \\