How do I search the linux kernel mailing list archives?

You can use to search through the archive. It's unofficial!


In case you haven't read the titlebar of your webbrowser's window: this site is the (unofficial) Linux Kernel Mailing List archive. This mailing list is a rather high-volume list, where (technical) discussions on the design of, and bugs in the Linux kernel take place. If that scares you, please read the FAQ.

There are others as well:

  • Majordomo lists at VGER.KERNEL.ORG
  • The Linux-Kernel Archive -
  • Two digest forms of linux-kernel (a normal digest every 100KB and a once-daily digest)
  • Mailing list ARChives -

Tips for searching

If you drill in enough to the site you'll find a search box, like here for example:


Additionally I would suggest leveraging the power of Google to help with this. Most of these types of sites suck in comparison as to what you can search with using Google.

For example:

Put this in your search bar if you want to find everything on related to NFS!

site: nfs

In addition to the places mentioned by slm, there's:

  • The Mail Archive

Both of which are general services that include the linux kernel list. The GMANE one has the most going for it -- click "Searching" in the side bar for an explanation of the features.

I'd love to say I knew an easy way to just download the entire archive so you could search it yourself, but I don't. You could, however, put it together with a long series of automated requests (e.g. via curl) and some html scraping.


Linux Kernel