How do I provide ILogger<T> in my unit tests of .NET Core code?

Starting from dotnet core 2.0 there's a generic NullLogger<T> class available:

var foo = new Foo(NullLogger<Foo>.Instance); (docs) (source)

Or if you need it as part of your services:

services.AddSingleton<ILoggerFactory, NullLoggerFactory>(); (docs)

You can create an instance of ILogger<Foo> using NullLoggerFactory as the factory.

Consider the following controller:

public abstract class Foo: Controller
    public Foo(ILogger<Foo> logger) {
        Logger = logger;

    public ILogger Logger { get; private set; }

A sample unit test could be:

public void FooConstructorUnitTest()
    // Arrange
    ILogger<FooController> logger = new Logger<FooController>(new NullLoggerFactory());

    // Act
    FooController target = new FooController(logger);

    // Assert
    Assert.AreSame(logger, target.Logger);

You have two options:

  1. Create empty implementation of ILogger<Foo> by hand and pass an instance of it to ctor.
  2. Create same empty implementation on the fly using some mocking framework like Moq, NSubstitute, etc.