Can the structured bindings syntax be used in polymorphic lambdas

This is not currently allowed by the syntax; structured bindings are a simple-declaration:

- attribute-specifier-seqoptdecl-specifier-seq ref-qualifieropt[ identifier-list ] initializer ;

while function parameters are introduced by a parameter-declaration-list, which contains declarators:

The declarators specify the names of these entities and (optionally) modify the type of the specifiers with operators such as * (pointer to) and () (function returning).

That is, a structured binding is a (block-level) statement syntax - you can see this by noting that the grammar for it ends in a semicolon ;. Allowing structured bindings in a lambda parameter list would require additional grammar to be added.

It sounds like a good idea, and I can't immediately see any ambiguity in the syntax; it would certainly be worth discussing as it solves your presented use case nicely and more concisely than the alternatives.

I think this would be a great proposal (if isn't there one already) that would simplify code for algorithms that pass zip iterators/tuples of references. (for example

At the same time is seems that it is not something that you couldn't achieve using a bit more verbose code by extracting the structure in the first line of the function:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main(){
    auto map = std::map<int, int>{{1, 2}};
    std::for_each(map.begin(), map.end(), [](auto const& key_value){
        auto const& [key, value] = key_value;
        cout<< key <<" "<< value <<endl;

(which strengthens the point that this is implementable and simple to add to the language).

A more streamlined version could be indented as:

    [](auto const& _){auto&& [key, value] = _; // [](auto const& [key, value]){
        cout<< key <<" "<< value <<endl;



