Drupal - How do I print the body of a node?

For Drupal 7, a better style is to use field_get_items. E.g.:

  $body = field_get_items('node',$node, 'body');
  print $body[0]['value'];

Just try this for Drupal 7

<?php print render($content['body'])?>

If $node is a node object obtained for example with node_load(), in Drupal 7 this is the structure of $node->body.


The language set for the node I used in the screenshot is English, and the input format is full HTML. As far as I can see, the content of the body is always contained in the "und" index, whatever language has been set for the node.

In Drupal 6, $node->body is a string.

If you implemented hook_nodeapi('view') (Drupal 6) or hook_node_view() (Drupal 7) the content of the body is found, respectively, with $node->content['body']['#value'], and $node->content['body'][0]['#markup'].


