How do I mount an NFS share in Windows 8?

In Windows 8 (8.1 Enterprise for me here)...

There are two parts... First installing the client and second mounting the drive...

Installing the client

  1. Go to Control Panel → Programs → Programs and Features
  2. Select: Turn Windows features on or off" from the left hand navigation.
  3. Scroll down to "Services for NFS" and click the "plus" on the left
  4. Check "Client for NFS"
  5. Select "Ok"
  6. Windows should install the client. Once the client package is install you will have the "mount" command available.

Mounting the export

This assumes the following:

  • You know and can ping the hostname of the machine with the NFS exports
  • The name of the exported filesystem ( eg. /export, /home/users, /some/cool/file/path )
  • The file systems are properly exported and accessible

    1. Open a command prompt. ( Win+ R, enter "cmd" and press OK )
    2. Type:

      mount \\{machinename}\{filesystem} {driveletter}


    mount \\filehost\home\users H:
    mount \\server1234\long\term\file\storage S:
    mount \\nas324\exports E:

...and that's the basics.

To connect to an NFS share, you need to make sure you have the NFS client installed. This component is a part of the Services for Unix component. Go into the control panel, Programs and Features, then Turn Windows features on or off. Make sure Services for Unix-based Applications (DEPRECATED) is checked, and click OK. Be advised that typically only Ultimate and Enterprise versions of Windows typically have this component available.

This will install the MS NFS client and (AFAIK) the mount command. I'm not at work so I can't verify exactly. If I remember I'll update Monday.

If your NAS can enable CIFS or SAMBA style shares, I would use that instead.


On its NFSv4 project website, the University of Michigan's Center for Information Technology Integration (CITI) has announced that, after 18 months of development and since the start of September, source code for its Windows driver for distributed file system NFSv4.1 has been available from a Git repository. According to the release notes, compilation requires the Windows Driver Development Kit (WinDDK 6000 or later) and installation of the compiled driver requires a Microsoft test certificate. The included test scripts require a Cygwin environment including the gcc-core, make, sunrpc and time packages.