Windows 8 Start Screen Wallpaper File Location?

  • Is there an available file location, and where can I find it?

    The Login Screen Wallpaper is stored at (before you log on)

    Desktop Wallpapers are stored at (after you have logged on)

  • Are the images copyrighted so that I cannot use them in my app?
    Yes, they have a copyright. You can't use them in your app even if its a free app.

    These desktop background (wallpaper) images contain the intellectual property of Microsoft and other third parties. They are offered for download solely for your own personal use. Any other use, including the redistribution of the desktop backgrounds, or any other conduct in contravention of the applicable Terms of Use or Microsoft Software License Terms, is prohibited.

  • If all fails, is there a website for Windows 8 resources?

(scroll down for copyright paragraph)

Check C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows