How do I get the date a MongoDB collection was created using MongoDB C# driver?

As far as I know, MongoDB doesn't keep track of collection creation dates. However, it's really easy to do this yourself. Add a simple method, something like this, and use it whenever you create a new collection:

public static void CreateCollectionWithMetadata(string collectionName)
    var result = _db.CreateCollection(collectionName);
    if (result.Ok)
        var collectionMetadata = _db.GetCollection("collectionMetadata");
        collectionMetadata.Insert(new { Id = collectionName, Created = DateTime.Now });

Then whenever you need the information just query the collectionMetadata collection. Or, if you want to use an extension method like in your example, do something like this:

public static DateTime GetCreatedDate(this MongoCollection collection)
    var collectionMetadata = _db.GetCollection("collectionMetadata");
    var metadata = collectionMetadata.FindOneById(collection.Name);
    var created = metadata["Created"].AsDateTime;
    return created;

The "creation date" is not part of the collection's metadata. A collection does not "know" when it was created. Some indexes have an ObjectId() which implies a timestamp, but this is not consistent and not reliable.

Therefore, I don't believe this can be done.