Change Terminal Font Size with C++

At least for xterm, you can change the current font by printing an escape sequence. The syntax is ESCAPE ] 50 ; FONTNAME BEL.

Here's (an abbreviated version of) a script I use for this; I call it xfont (the real one has more error checking):


use strict;
use warnings;

print "\e]50;@ARGV\a";

I don't know which other terminal emulators recognize this sequence. In particular, I find that it doesn't work under screen, even if the screen session is in an xterm window.

Note that you have to specify the name of the font ("10x20", "9x15"), not its size.

EDIT: I should pay more attention to tags. In C++, it would be something like:

std::cout << "\x1b]50;" << font_name << "\a" << std::flush;

UPDATE: With xterm, this won't work if you're using TrueType fonts. Also, DĂșthomhas suggests in a comment:

I know this is old, but all terminfo strings should be printed using putp() [or tputs()], even in C++.

putp( (std::string{ "\33]50;" } + font_name + "\a").c_str() );

The best you can do is to use bold font. Terminal emulates real text-based terminal so it doesn't support different fonts at once.