How do I embed a listing in a tabular?

You can define a \lstnewenvironment with the adjustments for the specific case.

The option here in \lstset can also be given as options to tabularlstlisting or changed locally with


Full example:




\lstset{numbers=none, language={[x86masm]Assembler}, basicstyle=\linespread{0.8}\footnotesize}

Fact name
 & Description
 & Assembly code example\\
hello & Instruction  in  allocates  bytes of memory for the object blah blah blah. &
push 28h
call operator new


Fact name
 & Description
 & Assembly code example\\
hello & Instruction  in  allocates  bytes of memory for the object blah blah blah. &
push 28h
call operator new
push 28h
call operator new
push 28h
call operator new
push 28h
call operator new


enter image description here

You can use a \vskip to adjust placement. I found that \baselineskip+\smallskipamount gave ok result. As demonstrated by the added rule to visualize things.



  \lstset{numbers=none, language={[x86masm]Assembler},
    Fact name
    & Description
    & Assembly code example\\
    hello & Instruction\rlap{\rule{10cm}{0.4pt}}  in  allocates  bytes of memory for the object blah blah blah.
push 28h
call operator new
  \caption{Attempt two.}


enter image description here

A solution with a \raisebox of the relevant value (the default value of the aboveskip key is \medskipamount):



  %\lstset{numbers=none, language={[x86masm]Assembler}, basicstyle=\linespread{0.8}\footnotesize}
  \begin{tabular}{l|p{6cm}|>{\vspace*{-\dimexpr \baselineskip+0.55ex}\arraybackslash}l}
    Fact name
    & Description
    & Assembly code example\\[1ex]
    hello & Instruction in allocates bytes of memory for the object blah blah blah.
push 28h^^J
call operator new
  \caption{Attempt two.}


enter image description here