How do I disable the sign up link for the aws amplify vue authenticator?

I got this to work with a simplified inline expression:

<amplify-authenticator :authConfig="{ signInConfig: { isSignUpDisplayed: false } }" />

With @aws-amplify/auth ^3.2.6 and @aws-amplify/ui-vue ^0.2.20 this works as documented in Sign In docs

    <amplify-authenticator username-alias="email">
      <amplify-sign-in slot="sign-in" :hide-sign-up="true"

You can hide the "sign up" section via the "signInConfig" object.

  configurationOptions: any = {
    signInConfig: {
      isSignUpDisplayed: false

You can then pass this object in as a prop to the component:


NOTE: You must make the config object a local property. The config will not work if it is a function or computed property. Your full solution would be the following:

  <v-container class="d-flex justify-center align-center">

<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { Auth } from "aws-amplify";
import StoreTypes from "../store-types";
import logger from "../logging";
import { components } from "aws-amplify-vue";
import { AmplifyEventBus } from "aws-amplify-vue";

  components: {
export default class Login extends Vue {
  configurationOptions: any = {
    signInConfig: {
      isSignUpDisplayed: false

  async mounted() {
    try {
      // This function throws an error if no user is logged in
      await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser({ bypassCache: true });
    } catch (e) {
      const self = this;
      AmplifyEventBus.$on("authState", async info => {
        if (info === "signedIn") {
          const nextLocation =
            self.$route.query.redirect !== null &&
            self.$route.query.redirect !== undefined
              ? (self.$route.query.redirect as string)
              : "/instruments";
          this.$router.push(nextLocation).catch(err => {});
