How can I make sure that a job doesn't run twice in Bull?

The problem, I believe is your scan function is async. So your job.progress function calls scan and then immediately calls done allowing the queue to process another job.

A solution could be to pass the done callback as a parameter to your scan and scheduleScan functions, and invoke it, once you have completed your job (or on error).

Another (better) solution could be to ensure that you always return a Promise from scan and scheduleScan, then await the promise to resolve and then call done. If doing this, make sure you chain all your promise returns in your scheduleScan function.

queue.process(1, (job, done) => {
  job.progress(100).then(() => {

export function scan() {
   // business logic
   return scheduleScan()

// Chain all of your promise returns. Otherwise
// the scan function will return sooner and allow done to be called
// prior to the scheduleScan function finishing it's execution
export function scheduleScan() {
    return queue.getJob(..).then(() => {
        return queue.add()...
        return queue.add(...)
            .catch(e => {
                 // propogate errors!
                 throw e;


The scan function is an asynchronous function. In you queue.process() function you have to await the scan function and then call the done() callback.

export async function scan(job) {
  // it does some calculations, then it creates a new schedule.
  return scheduleScan(stock, period, milliseconds, "scan.js");

queue.process(1, (job, done) => {
  job.progress(100).then(async() => {
    await scan(job);

export async function scheduleScan(stock, period, milliseconds, triggeredBy) {
    let uniqueId = stringHash(stock + ":" + period);
    try {
      const existingJob = await queue.getJob(uniqueId);
      if (!existingJob) {
        const job = await addJob({
        return job;
      } else {
        const jobState = await existingJob.getState();
        if (jobState === "completed") {
          await existingJob.remove();
          const newJob = await addJob({
          return newJob;
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err);

export function addJob({ queue, stock, period, milliseconds, triggeredBy }) {
  if (milliseconds) {
    return queue.add(
      { stock, period, triggeredBy },
      { delay: milliseconds, jobId: uniqueId }
  } else {
    return queue.add({ stock, period, triggeredBy }, { jobId: uniqueId });

Try this! I've tried to refactor the code a bit by using async-await.