How do I add time-stamp information to Maven artifacts?

If you need the time in a timezone other than UTC (the default when you use ${}) you could use the build-helper-maven-plugin. See more in Brief examples on how to use the Build Helper Maven Plugin's goals.

Anyway, this is how I've got the timestamp in GMT-5 and put it in the final name of my artifact:


Maven versions 2.1.0-M1 or newer have built in special variable


See Maven documentation for more details.

For older Maven versions a look at maven-timestamp-plugin or buildnumber-maven-plugin.

If you use maven-timestamp-plugin, you can use something like this to manipulate resulting artifact name.


And this configuration for buildnumber-maven-plugin should create a ${timestamp} property which contains the timestamp value. There doesn't seem to be a way to create the file directly with this plugin.



These three sites are also worth checking out.

If you use a version of Maven >= 2.1.0-M1, then you can use the ${} property.

For more info, see:

This post (especially the below part) is also very useful and practical for this issue.

Stamping Version Number and Build Time in a Properties File with Maven

The pom will look like this

        <!-- Timestamp of build  -->




and the package name is MyProject-1.0.0-2015_03_02_13_46.war