Template Metaprogramming - I still don't get it :(

Just as factorial is not a realistic example of recursion in non-functional languages, neither is it a realistic example of template metaprogramming. It's just the standard example people reach for when they want to show you recursion.

In writing templates for realistic purposes, such as in everyday libraries, often the template has to adapt what it does depending on the type parameters it is instantiated with. This can get quite complex, as the template effectively chooses what code to generate, conditionally. This is what template metaprogramming is; if the template has to loop (via recursion) and choose between alternatives, it is effectively like a small program that executes during compilation to generate the right code.

Here's a really nice tutorial from the boost documentation pages (actually excerpted from a brilliant book, well worth reading).


I use template mete-programming for SSE swizzling operators to optimize shuffles during compile time.

SSE swizzles ('shuffles') can only be masked as a byte literal (immediate value), so we created a 'mask merger' template class that merges masks during compile time for when multiple shuffle occur:

template <unsigned target, unsigned mask>
struct _mask_merger
        ROW0 = ((target >> (((mask >> 0) & 3) << 1)) & 3) << 0,
        ROW1 = ((target >> (((mask >> 2) & 3) << 1)) & 3) << 2,
        ROW2 = ((target >> (((mask >> 4) & 3) << 1)) & 3) << 4,
        ROW3 = ((target >> (((mask >> 6) & 3) << 1)) & 3) << 6,

        MASK = ROW0 | ROW1 | ROW2 | ROW3,

This works and produces remarkable code without generated code overhead and little extra compile time.

so this Metaprogram is faster ... beacause of the Constant Literal. BUT : Where in the real World do we have constant Literals ? Most programms i use react on user input.

That's why it's hardly ever used for values. Usually, it is used on types. using types to compute and generate new types.

There are many real-world uses, some of which you're already familiar with even if you don't realize it.

One of my favorite examples is that of iterators. They're mostly designed just with generic programming, yes, but template metaprogramming is useful in one place in particular:

To patch up pointers so they can be used as iterators. An iterator must expose a handful of typedef's, such as value_type. Pointers don't do that.

So code such as the following (basically identical to what you find in Boost.Iterator)

template <typename T>
struct value_type {
  typedef typename T::value_type type;

template <typename T>
struct value_type<T*> {
  typedef T type;

is a very simple template metaprogram, but which is very useful. It lets you get the value type of any iterator type T, whether it is a pointer or a class, simply by value_type<T>::type.

And I think the above has some very clear benefits when it comes to maintainability. Your algorithm operating on iterators only has to be implemented once. Without this trick, you'd have to make one implementation for pointers, and another for "proper" class-based iterators.

Tricks like boost::enable_if can be very valuable too. You have an overload of a function which should be enabled for a specific set of types only. Rather than defining an overload for each type, you can use metaprogramming to specify the condition and pass it to enable_if.

Earwicker already mentioned another good example, a framework for expressing physical units and dimensions. It allows you to express computations like with physical units attached, and enforces the result type. Multiplying meters by meters yields a number of square meters. Template metaprogramming can be used to automatically produce the right type.

But most of the time, template metaprogramming is used (and useful) in small, isolated cases, basically to smooth out bumps and exceptional cases, to make a set of types look and behave uniformly, allowing you to use generic programming more efficiently