How can we draw a duck (in order to create a tikzducks package and store it in CTAN)?

No new ducks will be added to the question, instead this project moved on to become a latex package. Please visit the project repository at or have a look at if you want to see new ducks :)

enter image description here






    \path[fill=duck] (51.2815,135.5394) .. controls (26.6859,139.7884) and (-12.5215,184.2616) .. (28.9411,223.8858) .. controls (70.4036,263.5099) and (286.2675,236.9673) .. (181.7701,108.1215) .. controls (93.7517,155.4266) and (123.9624,112.1537) .. (51.2815,135.5394) -- cycle;

    \path[fill=duck] (90,100) ellipse (1.4cm and 1.75cm);

    % duck's bill
    \path[fill=bill, xshift=-11pt, xscale=1.1] (49.3866,102.7929) .. controls (70.9472,97.0244) and (61.6632,119.6616) .. (95.1826,113) .. controls (20,165) and (36.9082,113.0997) .. (49.3866,102.7929) -- cycle;

    % right eye
    \path[fill=eye, rotate=20, xshift=-4pt, yshift=1pt] (112,58) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.35cm);
    \path[fill=pupil, rotate=20, xshift=-4pt, yshift=1pt] (115,59) ellipse (0.1cm and 0.2cm);

    % left eye
    \path[fill=eye, rotate=20] (78,62) ellipse (0.22cm and 0.32cm);
    \path[fill=pupil, rotate=20] (81,63) ellipse (0.08cm and 0.18cm);




    \path[fill=duck] (51.2815,135.5394) .. controls (26.6859,139.7884) and (-12.5215,184.2616) .. (28.9411,223.8858) .. controls (70.4036,263.5099) and (286.2675,236.9673) .. (181.7701,108.1215) .. controls (93.7517,155.4266) and (123.9624,112.1537) .. (51.2815,135.5394) -- cycle;

    \path[fill=duck] (90,100) ellipse (1.4cm and 1.75cm);

    % duck's bill
    \path[fill=bill, xshift=-11pt, xscale=1.1] (49.3866,102.7929) .. controls (70.9472,97.0244) and (70.9472,97.0244) .. (85.1826,120) .. controls (20,165) and (36.9082,113.0997) .. (49.3866,102.7929) -- cycle;

    % right eye
    \path[fill=eye, rotate=20, xshift=-4pt, yshift=1pt] (112,58) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.35cm);
    \path[fill=pupil, rotate=20, xshift=-4pt, yshift=1pt] (115,59) ellipse (0.1cm and 0.2cm);

    % left eye
    \path[fill=eye, rotate=20] (78,62) ellipse (0.22cm and 0.32cm);
    \path[fill=pupil, rotate=20] (81,63) ellipse (0.08cm and 0.18cm);


    \draw[line width=3pt,color=YellowGreen] (110,62) -- (130,20);
    \draw[line width=3pt,color=YellowGreen] (72,58) -- (60,15);
    \path[fill=YellowGreen] (130,20) circle (0.2cm);
    \path[fill=YellowGreen] (60,15) circle (0.2cm);

    \path[fill=#1] (90,55) ellipse (1.3cm and 0.25cm);
    \path[fill=#1] (90,30) ellipse (0.7cm and 0.2cm);
    \path[fill=#1] (115,30) rectangle (65,55);

    \draw[line width=3pt,color=black] (48,95) arc (190:370:20) ;
    \path[draw=black,line width=3pt] (95,90) -- (130,100);
    \path[fill=black, rotate=20] (111,58) ellipse (0.4cm and 0.4cm);
    \path[fill=black, rotate=20] (80,60) ellipse (0.37cm and 0.37cm);

    \draw[line width=2pt,color=#1] (62,80) arc (267:297:20) ;
    \path[draw=#1,line width=2pt] (93,88) -- (130,100);
    \path[draw=#1,line width=2pt, rotate=20] (107,58) ellipse (0.35cm and 0.35cm);
    \path[draw=#1,line width=2pt, rotate=20] (78,61) ellipse (0.32cm and 0.32cm);

    \path[draw=Sienna,fill=Goldenrod,line width=1pt,yshift=50pt,rotate=20,xshift=50pt] 
    \path[draw=Sienna, fill=Goldenrod, rotate=20,line width=1pt] (144,118) ellipse (0.4cm and 0.25cm);
    \path[fill=#1, rotate=20] (138,116) circle (0.3cm);
    \path[fill=#2, rotate=20] (148,116) circle (0.3cm);
    \path[fill=#3, rotate=20] (142,102) circle (0.3cm);

    \path[draw=VioletRed,fill=Pink,line width=1pt,yshift=20pt,rotate=-25,xshift=0pt] 

    \path[fill=#1, xshift=-5pt] (151.3277,174.3473) .. controls (157.7099,171.1213) and (164.7938,167.8644) .. (168.7230,161.6896) .. controls (164.8427,161.5316) and (153.5102,155.4255) .. (162.1164,152.9395) .. controls (169.4207,153.1460) and (176.4092,149.5358) .. (179.3920,142.6587) .. controls (185.5577,133.4026) and (172.4051,138.2448) .. (169.0163,134.3455) .. controls (174.7801,132.5948) and (184.6532,131.7138) .. (187.4798,127.5635) .. controls (176.4675,125.1191) and (163.1258,123.3733) .. (156.8817,112.6068) .. controls (152.4387,98.5734) and (153.2098,83.5059) .. (149.6492,69.2411) .. controls (131.4926,-1.1678) and (29.6020,22.0627) .. (47.7294,90.0940) .. controls (49.6639,62.0732) and (72.5401,38.6998) .. (96.3583,54.2220) .. controls (130.5162,76.1752) and (139.7469,117.8581) .. (115.3043,143.8986) .. controls (115.2213,148.9109) and (117.2762,158.3403) .. (124.2981,163.2993) .. controls (131.3200,168.2584) and (141.2814,171.4676) .. (151.3277,174.3473) -- cycle;

    \path[fill=#1] (50,135.5394) .. controls (26.6859,139.7884) and (-12.5215,184.2616) .. (28.9411,223.8858) .. controls (70.4036,263.5099) and (286.2675,236.9673) .. (181.7701,108.1215) .. controls (93.7517,155.4266) and (123.9624,112.1537) .. (51.2815,180) -- cycle;

    \draw[line width=10pt,color=#1] (60,150) -- (50,190);

    \path[fill=#1] (50,135.5394) .. controls (26.6859,139.7884) and (-12.5215,184.2616) .. (28.9411,223.8858) .. controls (70.4036,263.5099) and (286.2675,236.9673) .. (181.7701,108.1215) .. controls (93.7517,155.4266) and (123.9624,122.1537) .. (59,150) -- cycle;

    \path[fill=#1, xshift=-5pt] (145.7190,108.2466) .. controls (151.7052,104.8240) and (153.2448,84.3447) .. (149.6842,70.0799) .. controls (131.5276,-0.3291) and (29.6371,22.9015) .. (47.7644,90.9328) .. controls (49.6989,62.9120) and (80.4610,40.0060) .. (101.1924,59.4599) .. controls (128.6626,85.2375) and (139.4074,111.8552) .. (145.7190,108.2466) -- cycle;

    \path[fill=BlueViolet!50!Pink,line width=1pt,yshift=-40pt,rotate=5,xshift=32pt] 
    \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{71}{-15}, left, base]{\color{Gold}\EightStarBold}
    \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{63}{0}, left, base]{\color{Gold}\EightStarBold~\EightStarBold}
    \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{56}{15}, left, base]{\color{Gold}\EightStarBold~\EightStarBold~\EightStarBold}
    \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{56}{30}, left, base]{\color{Gold}\EightStarBold~\EightStarBold~\EightStarBold}
    \draw[line width=6pt,color=black] (90,160) -- (60,210);
    \draw[line width=6pt,color=white] (85,168.333) -- (80,176.666);

    \path[fill=#1,xshift=-4pt] (24.7738,59.7679) .. controls (31.3318,44.0108) and (53.1939,44.5256) .. (52.1285,41.2094) .. controls (51.4718,28.9400) and (30.1562,26.0780) .. (30.1562,26.0780) .. controls (48.5184,20.6686) and (79.2723,56.9617) .. (62.4298,11.1490) .. controls (65.1702,13.6709) and (88.0663,32.6096) .. (85.8201,7.5499) .. controls (87.7073,21.1456) and (96.9496,45.9959) .. (104.3286,23.2724) .. controls (113.1425,-15.9325) and (101.8773,49.6572) .. (138.4988,13.8484) .. controls (141.5713,17.0755) and (121.2714,39.5689) .. (139.2365,36.1290) .. controls (136.0271,66.8833) and (155.4874,23.7659) .. (155.4874,23.7659) .. controls (155.4874,23.7659) and (151.7518,45.0675) .. (147.8705,54.3986) .. controls (147.8705,54.3986) and (173.2987,55.3029) .. (176.7812,61.7670) .. controls (124.2612,69.4624) and (206.6010,77.2343) .. (154.2298,77.2507) .. controls (158.6628,83.1536) and (135.1295,89.9115) .. (169.9992,90.5427) .. controls (93.3592,92.0258) and (132.6373,57.7941) .. (94.5654,45.5826) .. controls (60.1628,40.4228) and (57.2813,64.7295) .. (51.9497,70.3679) .. controls (53.2460,53.9344) and (41.0100,59.0530) .. (24.7738,59.7679) -- cycle;

    \draw[line width=5pt,color=#1,line cap=round] (96,80) -- (82,73);
    \draw[line width=5pt,color=#1,line cap=round] (50,69) -- (60,68);


        \path[fill=#1,rotate=20] (110,120) rectangle (150,180);
        \node[rotate=-20, color=white] at (73,180)  {\makebox[2cm][c]{#2}};

    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (0,200) -- (100,200);
    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (180,200) -- (220,200);
    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (50,210) -- (150,210);
    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (110,230) -- (250,230);
    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (20,240) -- (70,240);
    \draw [decorate,decoration=snake, line width=3pt, color=#1] (60,250) -- (250,250);


% grumpy
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
%Christian Hupfer
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% short hairs
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
%Men in black
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

% ducklings
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-0.6, xscale=0.6, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
    \begin{scope}[xshift=300pt, scale=.3, yshift=400pt]
    \begin{scope}[xshift=180pt, scale=.3, yshift=350pt]
    \begin{scope}[xshift=240pt, scale=.3, yshift=450pt]
% samcarter
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% hair
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% unicorn
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

% icecream
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% sunglasses
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% normal duck
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% blue duck
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

% alien duck
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% hat duck
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% swimming
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
% Brazil colour duck for Paulo
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

% prof. van duck
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]


\node[duck,evil,minimum size=1.5cm] (B){};

enter image description here

Without code ...

enter image description here

Here is what I have done till now (to be improved, of course).

enter image description here

This is my tikzducks.sty:

\ProvidesPackage{tikzducks}[2016/01/05 All we need is\dots ducks!]



        \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) to[bend right] (1,0) to[bend left] (.7,-.6) to[bend left] cycle;
        \draw[fill=white] (-.1,-.05) ellipse (.3 and .2);
        \draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle[radius=.1];
        \draw[fill=orange] (0,0) -- (0,.8) -- (.1,.8) -- (.1,.05) -- (.8,.05) to[bend right] (.7,-.2) to[bend right] (.6,-.45) -- cycle;
        \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) to[bend right] (.6,-1.2) to[bend right] (2,-2.4) to[bend right=70, smooth] (3.7,-.1) to[bend left] cycle;
        \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) circle[radius=.9];
        \draw[fill=orange] (0,0) -- (-.35,.1) -- (-.65,-.3) -- (-.1,-.7) to[bend right=70] (.2,-.5) -- cycle;
        \draw[fill=orange] (0,0) -- (.5,.35) to[bend left=70] (.55,.25) -- (.23,-.29) -- (.3,-.7) to[bend left=70] (.25,-.75) -- (-.01,-.45) -- cycle;
    create duck coordinates/.style = {insert path={(0,0) coordinate (duck)}},
        \pic[rotate=30] at (.5,-1.8) {paw};
        \pic at (-2.5,1) {body};
        \pic at (-1,0) {wing};
        \pic at (1.5,1) {head};
        \pic at (2.2,.8) {closedbeak};
        \pic[rotate=300] at (1.6,.9) {eye};
        \pic[xscale=1,yscale=-1,rotate=75] at (1.91,1.08) {eye};
        \path (-1,-1.8) coordinate (paw);
        \pic[rotate=330] at (paw) {paw};
    create duckwithopenbeak coordinates/.style = {insert path={(0,0) coordinate (duckwithopenbeak)}},
        \pic[rotate=30] at (.5,-1.8) {paw};
        \pic at (-2.5,1) {body};
        \pic at (-1,0) {wing};
        \pic at (1.5,1) {head};
        \pic[rotate=300] at (1.94,1.06) {eye};
        \pic[rotate=-20] at (2.4,.9) {openbeak};
        \path (-1,-1.8) coordinate (paw);
        \pic[rotate=330] at (paw) {paw};
    create bow coordinates/.style = {insert path={(1.3,1.8) coordinate (bow)}},
        \draw[red, fill=pink, rounded corners] (0,0) -- (.7,.55) -- (.7,-.55) -- cycle;
        \draw[red, fill=pink, rounded corners] (0,0) -- (-.7,.55) -- (-.7,-.55) -- cycle;
        \draw[red, fill=pink] (0,0) circle [radius=1/4];
        \foreach \i in {0,45,...,325}
            \draw[blue, fill=white, rotate=\i]
                (0,0) .. controls ++(-30:1/2) and ++(30:1/2) .. cycle;
            \draw[orange, fill=yellow] circle [radius=1/8];
    create nacklace coordinates/.style = {insert path={(.6,.7) coordinate (nacklace)}},
        \path (0,0) coordinate (nacklacebase);
        \pic at (nacklacebase) {daisy};
        \pic[below right=1em and 1em of nacklacebase] {daisy};
        \pic[below right=2em and 2em of nacklacebase] {daisy};
    create blackboard coordinates/.style = {insert path={(3.5,1.8) coordinate (blackboard)}},
        \node at (0,0) [rectangle, fill=black, draw=brown, very thick,font={\color{white}\bfseries\small},minimum height=10ex] {$ax^2+bx+c=0$};
    create glasses coordinates/.style = {insert path={(1.5,.8) coordinate (glasses)}},
        \node [circle, draw=blue, very thick,minimum height=1.1em] (rglass) {};
        \node[right=.5em of rglass, circle, draw=blue, very thick,minimum height=1.1em] (lglass) {};
        \coordinate[above left=.1em and .9em of rglass] (rrglass);
        \coordinate[below left=.5em and .1em of rrglass] (rrrglass);
        \coordinate[above right=.1em and .9em of lglass] (llglass);
        \coordinate[below right=.5em and .1em of llglass] (lllglass);
        \draw[draw=blue, very thick] (rglass) -- (lglass);
        \draw[draw=blue, very thick] (rglass) -- (rrglass) -- (rrrglass);
        \draw[draw=blue, very thick] (lglass) -- (llglass) -- (lllglass);
    create soccerball coordinates/.style = {insert path={(2.6,-1.1) coordinate (soccerball)}},
        \draw[fill=white] (0,0) circle [radius=.9];
            \clip (0,0) circle [radius=.9];
            \foreach \i in {-.4,.4}
            \node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,fill=black,minimum height=3.5ex] at (\i,.4) {};
            \foreach \i in {-.8,0,.8} 
            \node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,fill=black,minimum height=3.5ex] at (\i,-.4) {};
    create befana coordinates/.style = {insert path={(0,0) coordinate (befana)}},
        \node {$\displaystyle\mathwitch$};
    create ghost coordinates/.style = {insert path={(-.8,-.12) coordinate (ghost)}},
        \node {$\xrightswishingghost{\mspace{30mu}}$};
    create help coordinates/.style = {insert path={(4.6,2.3) coordinate (help)}},
        \node[draw, fill=white, shape=starburst, text width=5.7em, text centered] (helpnode) {%
                Help! \\ A \texttt{\textbackslash phantom}!
        \coordinate[below left=-.1em and -0.3em of helpnode] (lhelpnode);
        \coordinate[below right=0.35em and -1.5em of helpnode] (rhelpnode);
        \coordinate[below left=2.3em and 1.1em of helpnode] (bhelpnode);
        \coordinate[below left=-.3em and -0.4em of helpnode] (llhelpnode);
        \coordinate[below right=0em and -.9em of helpnode] (rrhelpnode);
        \path[fill=white] (llhelpnode) -- (bhelpnode) -- (rrhelpnode);  
        \draw[fill=white] (lhelpnode) -- (bhelpnode) -- (rhelpnode);
    create righttooth coordinates/.style = {insert path={(2.11,.1) coordinate (righttooth)}},
    create lefttooth coordinates/.style = {insert path={(2.29,.15) coordinate (lefttooth)}},
        \draw[fill=white] (0,0) -- (.05,-.2) -- (.11,.1);
    create cloak coordinates/.style = {insert path={(.65,.69) coordinate (cloak)}},
        \draw[white,fill=black] (0,0) to[bend left=10] (-2.1,.1) 
            decorate [decoration={snake, segment length=10pt, amplitude=3pt}] 
            {to  (-2,-1.4)}   to[bend left=9]  (.3,-.4)  to[bend left=30] cycle;
        \draw[white,fill=black] (0,0) to[bend left=10] (-.1,.7) to[bend right=15] (.7,-.3) -- (.3,-.4) to[bend left=30] cycle;
            mark=at position 0.01 with {\node[scale=0.4,rotate=-50] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.04 with {\node[scale=0.5,rotate=-40] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.07 with {\node[scale=0.6,rotate=-35] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.11 with {\node[scale=0.7,rotate=-30] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.15 with {\node[scale=0.8,rotate=-20] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.20 with {\node[scale=0.9,rotate=-10] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.25 with {\node[scale=1.0,rotate=5] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.31 with {\node[scale=1.1,rotate=15] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.38 with {\node[scale=1.2,rotate=15] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.44 with {\node[scale=1.3,rotate=0] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.50 with {\node[scale=1.4,rotate=-15] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.57 with {\node[scale=1.5,rotate=-25] {$\mathbat$};},
            mark=at position 0.65 with {\node[scale=1.6,rotate=-30] {$\mathbat$};}, 
            mark=at position 0.73 with {\node[scale=1.7,rotate=-35] {$\mathbat$};}, 
            mark=at position 0.81 with {\node[scale=1.8,rotate=-40] {$\mathbat$};},     
            mark=at position 0.89 with {\node[scale=1.9,rotate=-42] {$\mathbat$};},     
        }}] plot[smooth, tension=1] coordinates {(0,0) (2.5,1) (1,3) (7,4.5)};
            mark=at position 0.01 with {\node[scale=0.4,rotate=10] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.06 with {\node[scale=0.5,rotate=10] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.11 with {\node[scale=0.6,rotate=10] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.17 with {\node[scale=0.7,rotate=10] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.23 with {\node[scale=0.8,rotate=5] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.30 with {\node[scale=0.9,rotate=0] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.38 with {\node[scale=1.0,rotate=-10] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.48 with {\node[scale=1.1,rotate=-20] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.58 with {\node[scale=1.2,rotate=-30] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.68 with {\node[scale=1.3,rotate=-40] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.79 with {\node[scale=1.4,rotate=-41] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.90 with {\node[scale=1.5,rotate=-42] {$\xleftflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
        }}] plot[smooth, tension=1] coordinates {(1.7,1.3) (0,2.7) (2,4.5) (5,5.5)};
            mark=at position 0.16 with {\node[scale=0.4,rotate=-5] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.25 with {\node[scale=0.5,rotate=-25] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.34 with {\node[scale=0.6,rotate=-36] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.44 with {\node[scale=0.7,rotate=-38] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.55 with {\node[scale=0.8,rotate=-40] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.67 with {\node[scale=0.9,rotate=-42] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.81 with {\node[scale=1.0,rotate=-46] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
            mark=at position 0.95 with {\node[scale=1.1,rotate=-50] {$\xrightflutteringbat{\mspace{30mu}}$};},
        }}] plot[smooth, tension=1] coordinates {(2.5,2) (2,2.7) (6.5,3.3)};

        \pic {duck};

        \pic {duck};
        \path[create nacklace coordinates];
        \pic at (nacklace) {nacklace};  

        \pic {duck};
        \path[create bow coordinates];
        \pic[rotate=35] at (bow) {bow}; 

        \path[create blackboard coordinates];
        \pic at (blackboard) {blackboard};
        \pic {duck};
        \path[create glasses coordinates];
        \pic[rotate=30, transform shape] at (glasses) {glasses};

        \pic {duck};
        \path[create soccerball coordinates];
        \pic[rotate=30] at (soccerball) {soccerball};

        \path[use as bounding box] (-2.5,-1.5) rectangle (2.5,1.5);  
        \pic[scale=.45,transform canvas={scale=.45},transform shape,rotate=20] at (3.17,1.59) {duck};
        \path[create befana coordinates];
        \pic[transform canvas={scale=4}] at (befana) {befana};
        \pic[rotate=330,scale=.45,transform canvas={scale=.45},transform shape,rotate=20] at (paw) {paw};

        \path[use as bounding box] (-6,-2.5) rectangle (6,2.5);  
        \path[create ghost coordinates];
        \pic[transform canvas={scale=7}] at (ghost) {ghost};
        \pic {duckwithopenbeak};
        \path[create help coordinates];
        \pic at (help) {help};

        \pic at (-6,-1) {batflock};
        \path[create righttooth coordinates];
        \pic at (righttooth) {tooth};
        \path[create lefttooth coordinates];
        \pic at (lefttooth) {tooth};
        \pic {duck};
        \path[create cloak coordinates];
        \pic at (cloak) {cloak};
        \pic at (-1,0) {wing};

This is the code of the presentation:

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: convert: {density: 160, otheroptions: -dispose previous -delay 140 -loop 1, format: gif}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\cprotect\title{Quack guide to \verb|tikzducks| package}
\subtitle{Actually, some examples to be improved and transformed into a package}
\institute{Duck fan club}

    \frametitle{Standard version}
    \frametitle{Female version}
    Accessory \verb|pic| available: \verb|bow| 
    \pic[scale=.7, transform canvas={scale=.7}] at (.6,.2) {bow};
    \frametitle{Daisy version}
    Accessory \verb|pic|s available: \verb|daisy| 
    \pic[scale=.75, transform canvas={scale=.75}] at (.35,.25) {daisy};
    \hspace{1em} and \verb|nacklace| 
    \pic[scale=.5, transform canvas={scale=.5}] at (.5,1) {nacklace};
    \frametitle{Mathematician version}
    Accessory \verb|pic|s available:
    \pic[scale=.5, transform canvas={scale=.5}] at (.7,.2) {glasses};
    \hspace{2.4em} and \verb|blackboard| 
    \pic[scale=.4, transform canvas={scale=.4}] at (1.4,.5) {blackboard};
    \frametitle{Soccer player version}
    Accessory \verb|pic| available: \verb|soccerball| 
    \pic[scale=.5,transform canvas={scale=.5},transform shape] at (.5,.3) {soccerball};
    \frametitle{The Befana duck\dots}
    Using \verb|\displaystyle\mathwitch| $\displaystyle\mathwitch$ from the gorgeous Gustavo Mezzetti's package \verb|halloweenmath|, here is the Befana\footnote{For anyone who doesn't know who the Befana is, she's a sort of female version of Santa Claus, who brings gifts or coal (to good and bad children, respectively) every year on January, 6\textsuperscript{th}.} duck!

    \frametitle{\dots the ghost duck\dots}
    Using \verb|\xrightswishingghost| $\xrightswishingghost{}$, again from \verb|halloweenmath| package, here is the ghost duck!\\
    \frametitle{\dots and the vampire duck!}
    The vampire duck, with bats from \verb|halloweenmath| package!
