How to split cell text into multiline in table?

Package tabularx is your friend:

enter image description here


\textbf{Col1} & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3} \\ 
This is a very long line of text & Short text & Another long line of text \\ 
$\pi$ & 1 in 5& Common in math\\

If you want to control line breaks in cells, you can use the \makecell command from the homonymous package. In addition, it has tools to add some vertical padding to cells:


\usepackage{array, makecell} %


\begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|} \hline
\textbf{Col1} & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3} \\ \hline
\makecell{This is a \\very long line \\of text} & Short text &\makecell{ Another long \\line of text} \\ \hline
$\pi$ & 1 in 5& Common in math\\


enter image description here

Your wrong column alignment results from missing column delimiters (&) in your source code and can be fixed easily. This also fixes the broken vertical lines.

        \textbf{Col1}  & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3}  \\ \hline
        This is a      &               &    \\ % <===== note the empty cells in this line
        very long line &  Short text   & Another long   \\
        of text        &               &  line of text\\ \hline % <===== and in this
        $\pi$          &    1 in 5     & Common in math \\ \hline

fixed columns A less manual way would be to use the p column type, but you have to specify the column width and LaTeX will do the linebreaks for you, but your last cell will probably also break:

        \textbf{Col1}                                                                & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3}                                                         \\ \hline
        This is a very long line of text &  Short text   & Another long line of text \\ \hline
        $\pi$                                                                        &    1 in 5     & Common in math                                                        \\ \hline

tabular with {p} column type

Or you can use the multirow package. Load \usepackage{multirow} in your preamble {anywhere between \documentclass{paper} and \begin{document}, and then you can do:

    \textbf{Col1}                                                     & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3}                                            \\ \hline
    \multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{1.8cm}{This is a very long line of text}} &               & \multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{2cm}{Another long line of text}} \\
                                                                      &  Short text   &  \\
                                                                      &               &  \\ \hline
    $\pi$                                                             &    1 in 5     & Common in math                                           \\ \hline

Note that this aligns the columns vertically centered. The \parbox{length} defines when your text should be broken.


