How can I write this type of convergent notation in LaTeX?

You can construct this symbol using a mixture of \angle (from amssymb) and \longrightarrow together with a combination of \ooalign and \mathpalette.

enter image description here





$z \angleto \zeta_{z \angleto \zeta_{z \angleto \zeta}}$


Like that:




enter image description here

A sixty degree angle:



    \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5\dimexpr\ht\z@+\dp\z@}% adjust the factor


z\angledto \zeta_0
\scriptstyle z\angledto \zeta_0
\scriptscriptstyle z\angledto \zeta_0


enter image description here

Here's with \angledgets

enter image description here

It wouldn't be difficult to reverse the angle, if requested.