Why is \nsim thicker than \sim?

It seems that it depends on the font — the \nsim glyph is a different glyph and not made by composition (which, with the default fonts for article class, comes out quite ugly):



enter image description here

With stix2 fonts things are (in my opinion) much better:



enter image description here

...and looking at the example, I think that amssymb is using the stix glyph under the hood...

With amssymb, the \thicksim and \nsim are a pair, but \sim and \nsim are not. To get more consistent output, you can redefine \sim to \thicksim by \let\sim\thicksim.


\begin{tikzpicture}[blend group=screen, scale=10, every node/.style={scale=10}]
  \node[red] {$\sim$};
  \node[blue] {$\nsim$};
    \node[red] {$\thicksim$};
    \node[blue] {$\nsim$};

enter image description here

Related implementations:

% latex2e kernel
\DeclareSymbolFont{symbols} {OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\sim}      {\mathrel}{symbols}{"18}

% amsfonts.sty
\DeclareSymbolFont{AMSb}    {U}{msb}{m}{n}
% amssymb.sty
\DeclareMathSymbol{\thicksim} {\mathrel}{AMSb}{"73}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\nsim}     {\mathrel}{AMSb}{"1C}

Since the issue seems to be with the definition of \nsim, I suggest you redefine it:


For users unfamiliar with \mathpalette: The mysteries of \mathpalette

For general advice on designing your own symbols: How do you make your own symbol when Detexify fails?

For additional details regarding \ooalign: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/22375/125871

To use the above code, the call $a\nsim b_{a\nsim b_{a\nsim b}}$ produces the output enter image description here

Since the original \sim command is used to redefine \nsim, the thickness is equal:

enter image description here

Using mathdesign: enter image description here

enter image description here