How can I tell if a Steam game syncs my saved games to the Steam Cloud?

In the sidebar in a game's store page you can find this kind of information about what Steam features a game supports.

In the sidebar you can find this kind of information about what Steam features a game supports

Not all games support Steam Cloud. If you are worried about these games' save files, you could use a tool that finds all game save files and make a backup of them for you. It's called GameSave Manager

Currently, after latest games library UI update (November 2019), you can find that in game details:

  1. Select a game on the list
  2. Click 'Show more details' button
  3. If the game supports Cloud Saves, the appropriate information will be listed in details somewhere under the button enter image description here

One way to tell is to find the game's remote folder in your steam userdata. I find the easiest way to figure out which game is the right one is to launch it, save your game, and exit. Then sort the folders by last updated date. This is my steam userdata folder for UnEpic G:\Steam\userdata\XXXXXXXX\233980 (the X's will be digits that are your steam account id or something.)

Once in this folder check out the contents of the remote folder. This is where the files synced to steamcloud are stored. You may be able to identify what information is being synced by the contents of this folder. For example, UnEpic has the following.

\save (folder with game_0.sav in it)

It appears this game saves your savegame files, configuration, and another unkown file.