How can I tell if my game saves are backed up?

I could find a clue for this question as follows which should be verified independently.

If $a\in A$ and $b\in B$ are nontrivial elements in $A*B$, then $aba^{-1}b^{-1}$ has infinite order and so the above group is an infinite centerless group$^1$.

$1$. An introduction to the Theory of Groups by J.J.Rotman.

If this clue is useful for paving the way of any answer, I will delete it. :)

I had the same problem. After a long time, I found the following solution:

Change the Theme to "Windows Classic" on the User logged on the Server.

The problem is in the Windows Basic or Aero themes which are incompatible with Windows Live mail over RDP, so just use Windows Classic theme on Server Username and Problem is Solved!!