How can I place a footnote in my reference?

I think that we can use the note field in bibliography for footnote.




    author =     {John Doe and Jane Doe},
    title =      {Paper Title with Typo},
    journal =    {Journal Name},
    year =   {2017},
    note =   {\footnote{There is a typo in the paper title.}}}









We really need to cite this~\cite{art2017}.





enter image description here

You can use the \mkbibfootnote macro in the title field of your bib entry.

  author = {Linn, L.},
  date = {1968},
  title = {Social identification and the seeking of pyschiatric\mkbibfootnote{The published article includes this typo.} care.},
  journaltitle = {American Journal of Orthopsychiatry},
  volume = {38},
  pages = {83-88},
  doi = {10.1111/j.1939-0025.1968.tb00558.x}

enter image description here