\leadsto from right to left

(Remark: Please be sure to check out Heiko's extended/improved solution as well.)

Here's a solution that builds on and refines Christian Hupfer's suggestion. The two new macros -- called \flowsfroma and \flowsfromb in the following code -- produce very similar, but not identical, left-pointing squigglies: The first macro performs a rotation of 180 degrees; the second performs a reflection around a centered vertical axis.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amssymb}  % for "\leadsto" macro
\usepackage{graphicx} % for "\rotatebox" and "\reflectbox" macros

$u \leadsto v$

$v \flowsfroma u$

$v \flowsfromb u$

Your symbol looks similar to the one of stix package, hence you could use \leftsquigarrow:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\leadsto \quad \leftsquigarrow

enter image description here

Otherwise, look at The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List.

Extended version to Mico's solution:

  • Math style is respected.
  • \mathsurround is set to zero (\m@th) to avoid additional horizontal space if \mathsurround is not zero.
  • \leadsto is a symbol, whose horizontal line segment (or the arrow) lies on the math axis. Therefore, the rotation origin is put on the math axis to avoid a vertical displacement of the symbol.

Full example:


% Point reflection at point (width/2, math axis).
% Package graphicx is required.
  % #1: math style
  % #2: math symbol
    % Height of box 0 is math axis

% Reflection at the y-axis.
% Package graphics is required.
  % #1: math style
  % #2: math symbol

% Test part
    $#1\vcenter{\hrule height .05pt depth .05pt width\wd0}$%
  \copy0 %
  \TestAux[\textstyle]{#1} %
  \TestAux[\scriptstyle]{#1} %


The thin light green lines mark the math axis.


