Remainder operator on int causes java.util.Objects.requireNonNull?

Why not?


class C {
    private final int taxos = 4;

    public int test() {
        final int a = 7;
        final int b = this.taxos;
        return a % b;

a call like c.test() where c is declared to as C must throw when c is null. Your method is equivalent to

    public int test() {
        return 3; // `7 % 4`

as you work with constants only. With test being non-static, the check must be done. Normally, it would get done implicitly when a field gets accessed or a non-static method gets called, but you don't do it. So an explicit check is needed. One possibility is to call Objects.requireNonNull.

The bytecode

Forget not that the bytecode is basically irrelevant for the performance. The task of javac is to produce some bytecode whose execution corresponds with your source code. It's not meant to do any optimizations, as optimized code is usually longer and harder to analyze, while the bytecode is actually the source code for the optimizing JIT compiler. So javac is expected to keep it simple....

The performance

In my profiler I saw there is 1% CPU spend in java.util.Objects.requireNonNull

I'd blame the profiler first. Profiling Java is pretty hard and you can never expect perfect results.

You probably should try making the method static. You surely should read this article about null checks.

Well it seems my question was 'wrong' as it has nothing to do with the operator, but rather the field itself. Still don't know why..

   public int test() {
        final int a = 7;
        final int b = this.taxos;
        return a % b;

Which turns into:

  public test()I
    BIPUSH 7
    ISTORE 1
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKESTATIC java/util/Objects.requireNonNull (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    ISTORE 2
    BIPUSH 7
    ILOAD 2

Firstly, here's a minimal reproducible example of this behavior:

 * OS:              Windows 10 64x
 * javac version:   13.0.1
public class Test {
    private final int bar = 5;

     * public int foo();
     *   Code:
     *     0: iconst_5
     *     1: ireturn
    public int foo() {
        return bar;

     * public int foo2();
     *   Code:
     *     0: aload_0
     *     1: invokestatic  #13     // Method java/util/Objects.requireNonNull:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
     *     4: pop
     *     5: iconst_5
     *     6: ireturn
    public int foo2() {

The behavior is because of how the Java compiler optimizes compile-time constants.

Note that in the byte code of foo() no object reference is accessed to get the value of bar. That's because it is a compile-time constant and thus the JVM can simply execute the iconst_5 operation to return this value.

When changing bar into a non-compile time constant (either by removing the final keyword or not initializing within declaration but inside the constructor) you would get:

 * OS:              Windows 10 64x
 * javac version:   13.0.1
public class Test2 {
    private int bar = 5;

     * public int foo();
     *   Code:
     *     0: aload_0
     *     1: getfield      #7
     *     4: ireturn
    public int foo() {
        return bar;

     * public int foo2();
     *   Code:
     *     0: aload_0
     *     1: getfield      #7
     *     4: ireturn
    public int foo2() {

where aload_0 pushes the reference of this onto the operand stack to then get the bar field of this object.

Here the compiler is clever enough to notice that aload_0 (the this reference in case of member functions) can logically not be null.

Now is your case actually a missing compiler optimization?

See @maaartinus answer.