How can I get bold Greek letters with mathptmx?

As a last resort, over-printing (or under-printing) as a method to simulate boldness (or fake bold) is an option using the contour package. It may come in handy when there is no bold version of a font/symbol available:

enter image description here

\verb|\sigma|: & $\sigma$ & $\sigma$ \\
\verb|\contour[1]{red}{$\sigma$}|: & \contour[1]{red}{$\sigma$} & \contour[1]{red}{$\sigma$} \\
\verb|\contour[10]{black}{$\sigma$}|: & \contour[10]{black}{$\sigma$} & \contour[10]{black}{$\sigma$} \\
\verb|\contour{black}{$\sigma$}|: & \contour{black}{$\sigma$} & \contour{black}{$\sigma$} \\
\verb|\contour*{black}{$\sigma$}|: & \contour*{black}{$\sigma$} & \contour*{black}{$\sigma$}

The default interface is \contour[<number>]{<color>}{<stuff>} that prints <number> copies of <stuff> under <stuff> using colour <color>. The default is 16 repetitions if none are specified, while the starred-version \contour* prints 32. \contourlength{<len>} sets the radius of the under-printing. The two column above are default (0.03em) and 0.01em.

To make the under-printing more obvious/clear, here's a close-up view of the above contours at the default setting:

enter image description here

And, for \contourlength{0.01em}:

enter image description here

With newtx you can get bold math symbols; the text font is very similar to what you'd get with mathptmx and the math fonts are surely much better.





Note that \boldsymbol provided by the amsbsy package is to be considered obsolete as \bm is much better.

enter image description here


