How can I change css directly(without variable) in Blazor?

There are several ways of getting out of the "blazor way" of doing things and accomplishing css modification of an element.

Simplest: Just like you can use the class attribute, use the style attribute

<element style=@myStyle></element>

@code {
  string myStyle;

  void MyMethod() {
     myStyle="overflow-y: hidden;"

Advanced: Use JS interop

a. In the main view (index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml depending on project type), create a js endpoint for your component

   window.applyStyleForElement = function(styleOp) {
       document.getElementById([styleOp.attrib] = styleOp.value;

b. In razor file:

@Inject IJRRuntime JSRuntime
<element id=@myId></element>

@code {
  string myId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");

  async Task MyMethod() {
     await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync("applyStyleForElement", 
      new { id = myId,  attrib = "overflowY", value = "hidden" });

Finally, applying to your special case with body element ("advanced" method above).

a. In the main view (index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml depending on project type), create a js endpoint

   window.applyStyleForBody = function(style) {[style.attrib] = style.value;

b. In razor file:

@Inject IJRRuntime JSRuntime

@code {

  async Task MyMethod() {
     await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync("applyStyleForBody", 
       new { attrib = "overflowY", value = "hidden" });

Well, Blazor does not support direct css modification yet, since Web Assembly doesn't. Anyway heads up, it is on the road-map for Web Assembly/Blazor.

Therefor your best bet is, changing the class name with variables. At least for now.