Xamarin Forms Searchbar iOS 13 ignores background color

You can solve this by creating a PlatformEffect:


[assembly: ResolutionGroupName("ProjectName")]
namespace ProjectName.App
    public partial class App : Application

Shared project:

public class SearchBarBackgroundEffect : RoutingEffect
        public SearchBarBackgroundEffect() : base("ProjectName.SearchBarBackgroundEffect") { }

iOS project:

[assembly: ExportEffect(typeof(SearchBarBackgroundPlatformEffect), "SearchBarBackgroundEffect")]
 public class SearchBarBackgroundPlatformEffect : PlatformEffect
        private UISearchBar NativeSearchBar => (UISearchBar)Control;
        private SearchBar XamarinSearchBar => (SearchBar)Element;

        protected override void OnAttached()
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(13, 0))
                NativeSearchBar.SearchTextField.BackgroundColor = XamarinSearchBar.BackgroundColor.ToUIColor();

        protected override void OnDetached()
             // Intentionally left blank.


                    <effects:SearchBarBackgroundEffect />

If you are facing this issue, this definitely is a bug that needs to be fixed by Xamarin Forms.

It was introduced in iOS 13 when a new Property was introduced. As I mentioned here, they have to place a conditional check for iOS 13 and set the BackgroundColor of the SearchBar.

You could open an issue in Xamarin Forms on GitHub, and for now use a CustomRenderer to fix this locally.